SB 125 An Act to make reports produced by automatic tabulating equipment open to public inspection introduced by Senator Carley, District 29.
https://sdlegislatur...ill/25737/278667While I agree with the good Senator Carley's intent with Senate Bill 125, there is a process and policy in place that the Senate State Affairs Committee was not following. Because there was no discussion with the Secretary of State regarding SB 125 prior to presenting, limited discussion with Stakeholders, and Amendments being made without accepting any proponent or opponent testimony that I did NOT support this bill.
Deferred action was offered to the Prime Sponsor, who declined. A motion was made to send it to the 41st day and that passed (6 YEAS-3 NAYS)
SB 113 An Act to provide protections for parental rights introduced by Senator Grove, District 26.
https://sdlegislatur...ill/25805/278017It is with great respect to Senator Grove and a firm belief in fundamental parental rights, faith in our state laws and a Supreme Court of the United States ruling that I OPPOSED this hoghouse bill.
Also in opposition of this bill are SD States Attorney Association, Alliance Defending Freedom, SD Police Chiefs Association, SD Sheriff’s Association, SD State Medical Association, School Administrators of SD, Associated School Boards of South Dakota, and the SD High School Activities Association.
It was a Do Pass (6 YEAS 3 NAYS) I was a NAY.